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Device Mapping


Device Mapping ဆိုတာဘာလဲ?

Fingerprint Device များ၊ Bluetooth Device များကို ၀န်ထမ်းများနှင့်ချိတ်ဆက် သတ်မှတ်နိုင်သော နေရာဖြစ်ပါသည်။

Device Mapping Setup in the System

  1. Open Global TA Cloud Web URL in Browser:
  • Begin by accessing the Global TA Cloud web URL using your preferred browser.
  1. Navigate to Device Mapping in the System:
  • In the left menu panel, go to “System” and select “Device Mapping.”
  1. Mapping Devices:
  • Choose the appropriate device by clicking on “ File Type.”
  • Click on “Filter By Employee” to select the employees you want to map to the device.
  • Check the desired employees and click “Select.”
  • Click “Save” to complete the device mapping.
  1. Additional Options:
  • Show Only Device’s Employee:
    • If selected, view employees who have already been mapped to the device by choosing “File Type.”
  • Include Clear Command:
    • If selected, the Fingerprint Device will erase all old data and set the new data for the currently selected employee.
  1. Important Notes:
  • Device Configuration:
    • Contact the Global TA & HR Cloud Operator Team or Service Team initially to set up the device configuration in the system. Provide the Device Serial Number.
  • Internet Connection:
    • Ensure that the device is connected to the internet, and the Fingerprint Device has the ADMS (Automatic Data Master Server) function.


  • Device Mapping is a crucial step in integrating Fingerprint and Bluetooth Devices with the Global TA Cloud Software, streamlining attendance and access control processes.
  • Always consult with the system administrator or service team for initial device setup.

Sample Video


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