Internal Referral Candidate Email Template

Internal Referral Candidate Email Template


Use this template to craft your first email to make a brief introduction and schedule next steps with a candidate who’s an internal employee referral.


  • Mention the employee who made the referral in the subject line.
  • Use a friendly yet professional tone, and avoid being overly formal.
  • Mention the position you’re hiring for and briefly explain why you think they might be interested.
  • Point out how your candidate’s skills and experience are relevant to your job requirements.
  • Indicate what the next steps are (e.g. set up a call) and provide information your candidate might need (e.g. contact details, job description, company website.)

Email template for sourcing a referred candidate

Subject line:  [Employee_name] mentioned you’re a great [Job_title]

Hi [Candidate_Name],

[Employee_name] mentioned that you might be a good fit for our [Job_title] position. I am [your name], [your job_title] at [Company_name].

I checked out your [e.g. LinkedIn or GitHub] profile, and think your background is impressive. Your accomplishments align with our project, and [ mention something that caught your eye.] We’re always looking to build our team with more great people like [Employee_name], so we’d love to schedule a time to chat.

Would you be available for a quick intro call [include date and time or a period of time, e.g. ‘sometime this week’] to learn a little bit more about this position?

Thank you for your interest,

[Your name]
