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GlobalTA&HR App Version History

Version – v3.0.11 (Jun 7, 2024)

  • Add Employee Records Feature
  • Add Apply Date and Time to Attendance Request, Attendance Approval, Leave Request, and Leave Approval.
  • Add location address with map to Attendance Request and Attendance Approval for Check In/Out predefined zone.
  • Add Leave Balance to Dashboard
  • Add Overtime Approval From Time and To Time instead of Check In/Out Time in Overtime Custom Rule
  • Add Full Name of Leave Type
  • Improve UI Design and General Bugs Fix

Version – v3.0.10 (Mar 03,2024)

  • Added work anniversary message for employees
  • Added crop action on profile page image
  • Added PDF attachment on leave request and leave approve
  • Enabled requester to see reject reason from approver
  • Improve UI Design and General Bugs Fix

Version – v3.0.11 beta (Feb 27,2024)

  • Added work anniversary message for employees
  • Added crop action on profile page image
  • Added PDF attachment on leave request and leave approve
  • Enabled requester to see reject reason from approver
  • Improve UI Design and General Bugs Fix

Version – v3.0.9 (Feb 5,2024)

  • Add business unit information to the Duty Roster.
  • Add a welcome message for new employees.
  • Add an attach icon to the Overtime Approve List.
  • Add a version number displayed at the bottom of the more menu page.
  • Add Leave Policy Attached File to Leave Request.
  • Add user guide.
  • Improved UI design on Login page.
  • Help Menu icon added on the Dashboard page.
  • General bug fixes and UI design improvements.

Version – v3.0.10 beta (Jan 23,2024)

  • Add business unit information to the Duty Roster.
  • Add a welcome message for new employees.
  • Add an attach icon to the Overtime Approve List.
  • Add a version number displayed at the bottom of the more menu page.
  • Add Leave Policy Attached File to Leave Request.
  • Add user guide.
  • Improved UI design on the Microsoft Account Login.
  • Help Menu icon added on the Dashboard page.
  • General bug fixes and UI design improvements.

Version – v3.0.8 (Dec 22,2023)

  • Allow Announcement attach file download with option
  • Allow Date edit at Attendance Approve and Overtime Approve
  • Check no internet connection
  • Add Cluster at People Directory and My Team
  • Add Travel Morning and Travel Evening Attendance Request
  • Add Self Appraisal feature in Review and Appraisal
  • General Bugs Fix and UI Design Improvement

Version – v3.0.9 beta ( Dec 14, 2023)

  • Bug Fix for Attendance Request Early Out Request Custom Time
  • Bug Fix for Attendance Approve Early Out Request Custom Time
  • Bug Fix can’t choose future date in the Duty Swap Request
  • Bug Fix at Check in out page

Version – v3.0.8 beta ( Dec 2, 2023)

  • Added half-day travel request in attendance request
  • Added Self Appraisal
  • Added easy enroll feature
  • Added cluster in Supervisor Dashboard, Team Dashboard, and People Directory
  • Allow date edit in Attendance Approve Page and overtime approve page

Version – v3.0.7 ( Nov 11, 2023)

  • Fixed check-in before earliest in time.

Version – v3.0.6 ( Nov 6, 2023)

  • General Bugs Fixed.
  • Changed the new My Team Dashboard design.
  • Changed the new Profile page design.
  • Notification list shows with noti date desc order.
  • A new option was added to show the message for request Attendance in the Check In/Out page when Users can not check in the cause of the out-of-predefined zone.

Version – v3.0.5 ( Oct 27, 2023)

  • New my team dashboard and profile page design.
  • Fixed final approver’s remark issue.
  • Allowed duty swap’s request edit in approve.
  • Added label in review and appraisal
  • Updated noti page design.
  • Added an option to allow attendance requests when user check in out of predefined zone.
  • Fixed check-in out issue.
  • Fixed people directory’s probation issue.
  • General Bugs Fixed.

Version – v3.0.4 ( Oct 13, 2023)

  • New My Team Dashboard design
  • Updated profile page design
  • Fixed final approver’s remark issue
  • Added label in review and appraisal
  • Allow attachment in OT request
  • Add an option to allow attendance requests when users check in out of predefined zone
  • Fixed check in out issue
  • General bugs fixed

Version – v3.0.3 ( Sep 7, 2023)

  • New my days dashboard design.
  • Clear notification count when user tap on Noti bell
  • Fixed can’t attach leave if file extension is capital letter (JPEG, .JPG, .PNG)
  • Attendance, Leave and OT approve list filter with payment period.
  • Added the new requirement that can request to allow the attachment file for two days request and can request without attaching file for 1 day only taking in Medical Leave,
  • Fixed the issue that is the Profile Page do not reflect automatically after changed the Designation (Position).
  • Fixed status and relationship data can’t choose in family data add combo box.
  • Added Urgent OT Type.
  • Added the new requirement that is the reason mandatory for Reject.
  • Added the New Design for behalf request.
  • Fixed server time wrong issue.
  • Update profile photo and data sys flow
  • Fixed custom absent days rule detail wrong (in time absent / out time absent)
  • General Bugs Fixed

Version – v3.0.2 ( Aug 8, 2023)

  • Fixed the issue that is the current time showing instead of the Request time after doing Attendance Approve.
  • Fixed the issue that is the Approved OT Hours by OT Policy time is displaying as requested time without checking with OM policy.
  • Fixed the issue that is the loading still if the System phone Language is Myanmar.
  • Fixed the issue that is the Server time will not be effect when user change the phone system time.
    Check in out with township
  • Fixed the issue that is the attach file’s extension was capital letter (.JPEG .PNG, etc.…)
  • Fixed camera issue

Version – v3.0.1 ( July 19, 2023)

  • Seamlessly transfer app
  • Fixed pay-slip issue
  • Modified review and appraisal feature
  • Add What’s News feature
  • Can request attendance if user check in out of predefined zone.
  • Fixed for taking over OT max hours after click approve.
  • Fixed (IOS)Logout menu missing and showing the half of chat-woot and need to pull over up to see Logout menu.
  • Fixed sub Department show in duty roster
  • Fixed the show message has been shown wrongly when username password incorrect while using with Myanmar language
  • Fixed Total Count in Supervisor Dashboard.
  • Fixed the issue that is showing the Request Type form after opening immediately OT Request Form
  • Fixed the issue that is missing Off Days in Attendance Calendar.
  • Fixed the issue that is showing Attendance and On-duty data are Blank after opening the Dash Board or Attendance History.
  • Fixed the issue that is showing blank in June Attendance Calendar.
  • Fixed the issue that is showing twice Absent data in Attendance Calendar.
  • Fixed the issue that is showing Use as Substitute Leave option in OT Request Form.
  • Fixed the issue that is missing the ApprovedOTHoursByOT Policy option in OT Request Form.
  • Fixed the issue that didn’t change the Password.
  • Fixed the issue that is missing the reason box in Task.
  • Fixed the issue that is showing Fullday Absent having Check In
  • Show different popup message for pay-slip password change.
  • Fixed the issue that is the Bluetooth permission ask after user check “use Bluetooth “check box.
  • Fixed check in out issue

Version – v3.0.0 ( July 2, 2023)

  • Seamlessly transfer app
  • Fixed pay-slip issue
  • Modified review and appraisal feature
  • Add What’s News feature
  • Can request attendance if user check in out of predefined zone.
  • Fixed for taking over OT max hours after click approve.
  • Fixed (IOS)Logout menu missing and showing the half of chat-woot and need to pull over up to see Logout menu.
  • Fixed sub Department show in duty roster

Version – v2.6.15 ( June 13, 2023)

  • Added require data collection for seamlessly transfer Xamarin to Flutter app.
  • General Bugs Fixed

Version – v2.6.14 ( May 3, 2023)

  • Fixed pay-slip password issue
  • Set “Include Resign this month” as default in approve forms.
  • Fixed employee profile edits crash.
  • Fixed Announcement download fail issue.
  • Fixed check-out success log message wrong.
  • Fixed pay-slip password issue
  • Set “Include Resign this month” as default in approve forms.

Version – v2.6.13 ( April 7, 2023)

  • Fixed Announcement download fail issue.
  • Fixed employee profile edits crash.
  • Fixed check-out success log message wrong.

Version – v2.6.12 ( March 16, 2023)

  • Fixed review and appraisal issue.
  • Fixed record is still showing pending by even approved in current level.
  • Fixed local check in/out log date time late.
  • Fixed duplicate leave records are saved once tapped multiple time save button.

Version – v2.6.11 ( Feb 7, 2023)

  • General Bugs Fixed

Version – v2.6.10 ( Jan 25, 2023)

  • Multiple pay slip in one month.
  • Show employee code and doe in profile.
  • Fix people directory date format and service month data.
  • Show last activity in check in/out page.
  • Add log for logout condition.
  • SSO email change force logout.

Version – v2.6.9 ( Jan 13, 2023)

  • Show Attendance Calendar’s custom rules design same as dashboard detail design.
  • Fixed Attachment issue (showing you can’t request this leave without attach file.)
  • Fixed people directory’s approver assigns tab UI issue. (some approver missing in ios)
  • Fixed GPS Approve issue. (0001-01-01 Date while saved)
  • Fixed Multi Select approve issue. (multi select record and cancel approve then choose another one then approves. AT that time previous selected records are also approved.)
  • Fixed IOS Log page UI issue.
  • Allow pdf attach in announcement.
  • Fixed to show Eng./Myanmar. password expired message before login.

Version – v2.6.8 ( Jan 6, 2023)

  • Allow pdf attach in announcement.
  • General Bugs Fixed
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