Mechanical Engineer Job Description

Mechanical Engineer Job Description


A Mechanical Engineer job description template to hire for your Engineering department.

About the Mechanical Engineer position

We are looking for a skilled Mechanical Engineer who will participate on all product stages from research and development to design and manufacture٫ through to installation and final commissioning. Your duties will include designing and fabricating mechanical components of innovation and excellence.

You should be well-versed in complex mechanical or electronical systems and possess excellent problem-solving abilities as well as creative approach to your tasks.

Mechanical Engineer responsibilities are:

  • Organize a full lifecycle product development٫ including design٫ development٫ test prototypes٫ manufacturing and implementation
  • Develop systems and components that meet needs and requirements and prepare outline designs
  • Organize experiments methodically٫ analyse data and interpret results
  • Conduct tests and evaluate theoretical designs
  • Research and produce effective solutions to emerging problems
  • Review final product’s overall performance٫ reliability and safety
  • Improve design to meet requirements and to eliminate malfunctions
  • Analyze budget and scope of project
  • Collect observations from operators and feedback from users
  • Create product reports and documentation
  • Stay informed about new theories or methods

Mechanical Engineer requirements are:

  • 2+ years’ experience of working on a Mechanical Engineer or other relevant position
  • Significant experience with product lifecycle management (PLM)٫ finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • Excellent knowledge of core concepts and principles of mechanics٫ kinematics٫ thermodynamics٫ materials science etc.
  • Solid experience with computer-aided engineering (CAM) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAE)
  • Experience with engineering analysis tools٫ such as ANSYS٫ ProMechanica or other
  • Good practical experience with 2D or 3D engineering design and manufacturing tools (e.g.٫ AutoCAD٫ ProE or other)
  • Good knowledge of mathematical computing and analysis tools٫ including Matlab٫ Excel٫ LabView and so on
  • Strong creativity and analytical skills
  • Strong communication and technical writing skills
  • BSc degree in Engineering