Interior Designer Job Description

Interior Designer Job Description


An Interior Designer job description template to hire for your Design department.

About the Interior Designer position

We are looking for a skilled Interior Designer to join our team and help to accomplish a variety of space designing projects. You will participate in all related activities٫ from conceptual development and liaising with the stakeholders to managing and executing the design.

We expect you to have deep understanding of design principles and techniques٫ and be able to efficiently communicate with your team members٫ transforming requirements and insights into high quality solutions.

Interior Designer responsibilities are:

  • Discuss and agree about project requirements and schedule during meetings
  • Participate at all stages of a design project from concept to completion
  • Analyze customer needs and translate them into rough plans
  • Discuss and agree about materials and products sourcing
  • Discuss and agree about costs and project fees٫ according to budget
  • Prepare “sample” and “mood products”
  • Collaborate with designers٫ decorators٫ architects and constructors٫ overseeing the work progress
  • Stay informed about industry changes٫ evolutions and best practices.

Interior Designer requirements are:

  • 2+ years’ experience of working on an Interior Designer position
  • Significant experience in decorating interior spaces٫ including consulting٫ renovations٫ space planning and new constructions٫ with a solid portfolio of fulfilled projects
  • Significant experience in layout٫ colour٫ lighting٫ materials selection٫ custom furniture and all installations.
  • Good practical experience with AutoCAD٫ SketchUp٫ 3D Max٫ Illustrator or other design programs
  • Good creativity٫ imagination and eye for design
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • Good project management skills
  • BS degree in Interior Design or other relevant area