Graphic Designer Job Description

Graphic Designer Job Description


A Graphic Designer job description template to hire for your Design department.

About the Graphic Designer position

We are looking for a skilled Graphic designer to help interpret our clients needs and to design solutions with high visual impact. Your duties will include participation in a variety of products٫ including websites٫ books٫ magazines٫ product packaging٫ websites٫ exhibitions٫ corporate identity and so on.

You should possess great creativity and have a solid background in design. We also expect you to be able to efficiently cooperate with our designers and sales team.

Graphic Designer responsibilities are:

  • Organize the design “brief” and record requirements and clients’ needs
  • Develop new design concepts٫ graphics and layouts٫ using creative approach
  • Organize project implementation and define budget constraints
  • Use various media sources and graphic design software to accomplish your work
  • Develop rough drafts and present your ideas
  • Improve final designs according to clients comments and gain full approval
  • Collaborate with copywriters٫ designers٫ stylists٫ executives and other stakeholders

Graphic Designer requirements are:

  • 2+ years’ experience of working on a Graphic Designer or other similar position
  • Excellent graphic design skills with a strong portfolio
  • Creative flair٫ versatility٫ conceptual/visual ability and originality
  • Strong interaction٫ communication and presentation skills
  • Good practical experience with industry leading software and technologies٫ such as In Design٫ Illustrator٫ Dreamweaver٫ Photoshop and so on
  • Strong abilities to comply with requirements of time٫ costs and deadlines
  • BS or MS degree in Human-Computer Interaction٫ Interaction Design or a Visual Arts subject