Schedule an Interview Email Template

Schedule an Interview Email Template


Use this email template to invite a candidate to interview. Adapt it to the tone and voice that best fits your brand and company culture.


Always start with a clear subject line that encourages candidates to open your email right away.  Detail all the necessary information to set up the interview, including:

  • The position
  • The possible times and dates of the interview
  • The location (office, phone, video)
  • How long the interview will be
  • Anything the need to prep ahead of time

Sample email template for scheduling an interview

Subject line: We’re inviting you to interview with [Company_name] for the [Job_title] position

Hi [Candidate_Name],

Your application for the [Job_title] position caught our attention, and we’d  like to invite you for an interview. This is a chance to learn more about the position and for us to learn more about you.

You will meet with the [Department_name] department manager [optional – Manager_name]. The interview will last about [X] minutes and you’ll have the chance to discuss the [Job_title] position and learn more about our company. [If applicable: Insert information about what the candidate might need to bring with them e.g. portfolio, resume, ID to pass from the security/reception, etc.]

Please feel free to choose the time that suits you best at the following link:

[Insert scheduling link]

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your name]
