Salary Negotiation Email Template

Salary Negotiation Email Template


This template offers the perfect opportunity to discuss your compensation and benefits package with potential hires.


Candidates are going to want to negotiate salary and benefits, so be prepared.  You may be open to negotiating higher compensation and/or a better benefits package if it’s in your budget and the candidate offers the right experience.

This template will give you an idea of how to re-address salary and benefits with potential hires. You can customize this template to include compensation, bonuses and perks you’re willing to offer.

Sample email candidate salary negotiation

Subject Line: Job Offer from [Company_name]

Hi [Candidate_name],

Thank you for considering our job offer for the [Job_title] position. We’ve discussed your requests with the Head of [mention dept] department and our Finance team and we’ve decided to extend our initial offer with:

  • A [e.g. 10%] increase in the annual compensation to a new [mention the new salary] salary
  • A signing bonus of $X
  • Option to work from home two days/week or commute reimbursement
  • Opportunity for additional compensation and benefits package after an early performance review [e.g. six months after start date]

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [provide contact details.]

Best regards,

[Your name]
