Employee Referrals from External Network Email Template

Employee Referrals from External Network Email Template


Use this email template to inform your network about an open position at your company to see if they know a qualified candidate.


When sourcing candidates for open roles from your external network, consider asking for referrals from:

  • Business partners
  • Customers
  • Alumni
  • Former employees
  • Professional communities

In emails to your external network, include:

  • The role you’re hiring for, along with key responsibilities and a link to the full job description
  • The main skills and knowledge required for the role
  • A brief description of your company/team or benefits attached to the role, that your recipients could share with potential candidates
  • The referral process your recipients should follow to refer a candidate

Don’t forget to thank them for helping you search for the best candidates.

Customize this template to suit  your company’s brand voice and culture. Keep your message short and crystal clear to avoid taking up too much time from your referral network.

Email template for employee referrals from external network email

Subject Line: We’re looking for a new [Job title] / Do you know a great [Job title]?

Hi [Include recipient’s name, if you send to a specific individual],

We heard [Company_name] launched a search for a [Job_title].

We always want to collaborate with talented people and we’d like your help to find our next team member.

This person will be responsible for [Include 1-2 key duties and link to the job description, e.g. “This person will join our team of mobile developers and will be responsible for improving our iOS applications.”] [It’s best to add some must-have requirements for the position, e.g. “Experience with Python and interest in mobile technologies are required for this role.”]

It’s a great opportunity for a [Job_title] who wants to [e.g. work in a fast paced environment and serve customers like X, Y, Z / to be part of a growing team and help us build X product / join our X team, work with high-end technology and attend global conferences that will help them develop professionally.]

Know anyone who’s a good fit? If so, send them our way [e.g. by emailing their contact details or resume.]

Please feel free to contact me via email or at [add phone number], if you have any questions.

Thank you,

[Your name]
