Credit Analyst Job Description

Credit Analyst Job Description


A Credit Analyst job description template to hire for your Accounting department.

About the Credit Analyst position

We are looking for an experienced Credit Analyst to join our team and help to improve our knowledge about our customer base. Your main responsibility will be analyzing our customers’ creditworthiness. Your daily duties will include financial data analysis and making decisions about borrowers’ potential and reliability concerning their financial obligations.

Credit Analyst responsibilities are:

  • Explore financial operations and credit history of selected customers whenever needed including applications٫ statements٫ balance sheets٫ legal documents etc
  • Analyze and make decisions on creditworthiness of existing or prospective clients
  • Perform ratio٫ trend and cash flows analysis and report on the results
  • Prepare overviews with multidimensional perspective on the investment outlook
  • Analyze risks and suggest countermeasures
  • Perform regular monitoring of loans for compliance
  • Oversee company’s portfolio assets quality on a regular basis
  • Prepare informative٫ accessible and objective reports on results of your analytics activities
  • Review and maintain company’s credit policies and guidelines
  • Develop models of credit information that predict trends and patterns

Credit Analyst requirements are:

  • 3+ years’ experience of working on a Credit Analyst position
  • Profound practical experience with statistical packages and financial software
  • Excellent knowledge of legal٫ compliance and market risk related issues
  • Strong analytical skills in the area of cash flows٫ leverage٫ collateral and customer strength
  • Good communication and presentation skills
  • BS degree in Business٫ Statistics or another related area